Prepared Mind Innovations, LLC


chance favours the Prepared Mind.
— Louis Pasteur
Greg J. Badros
Founder, Advisor, Innovator


I run Prepared Mind Innovations as the sole advisor and hacker. I lean on a network of friends and colleagues throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and the world. I bring 25 years of professional experience.

I earned my Ph.D. at the University of Washington where my Ph.D. thesis now serves as the foundation of the new smart layout engine in Apple's OS X and iOS. Since then, I spent over 6 years at Google (2003-2009) over 4 years at Facebook (2009-2013), and also had several small-company experiences.


My mission is to help startups and growth companies succeed, and succeed big! I'm broadly helping contribute technological advances that make the world more efficient and become a better place for us, for our children and beyond.


I'm currently working on a number of small projects spanning automobile automation, smart homes, consumer electronic devices, large scale computing infrastructure, sensors, and other areas. Stay tuned for open-source releases, contributions, products, and more.


(acquired by SalesForce)

(acquired by Twitter)

(acquired by Neustar)

See also the companies in which Greg has personally invested. (Prepared Mind Innovations is not an investment company.)


Contact Information

Prepared Mind Innovations
San Francisco Bay Area

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